Archive for the ‘HandPhone’ Category

1. pilih option

2. pilih security option

3. pilih general setting

4. tekan tombol menu

5. pilih Wipe Handheld

jika kluar kata enter “black berry” to comfirm handheld wipe

6. masukan kata blackberry

Sukses Flash LG kp110 restart

Posted: July 13, 2010 in HandPhone

sukses repair LG 110 Restart2..

1. pake LG_GSM
2. pake kabel LG KE500
4. RESET MANUAL pake kode 2945#*#
5. Selesaii….

6. klo masi rewel flash pake GSMULTI AJA…
7 klo gk ya hardware boss…

selamat mencoba..

posted by : bagir